Products - Amari, liqueurs and other spirits
Home Products - Amari, liqueurs and other spirits

Amari, liqueurs and other spirits

Thanks to the teachings of grandmother Susanna and grandfather Marcello, owner of an old liqueur shop in Genoa, partly to expand our range of products and partly for pleasure, throughout our history we have ventured into the production of various types of liqueurs, amari and bitters different and lighter than those based on grappa.
Myrtle liqueur has become a consolidated tradition thanks to years of collaboration with Sardinian pickers from the Planargia Plateau, and from Portofino in Liguria, Grandma's Rosolio is a Susanna recipe with flower petals and citrus fruits found in the Ligurian and Piedmontese territory and today in our laboratory we also produce Amaro Soldatini, which bears our grandfather's surname, a recipe that we hope will become increasingly successful. Also very recent recipes are Bitter Soldatini and Spirito Libero.

Indicazioni ambientali - Environmentals Indications
RACCOLTA DIFFERENZIATA - Verifica le disposizioni nel comune in cui ti trovi.
WASTE SORTING - Check the provisions of the town where you are located.
BOTTIGLIA /Bottle  VETRO/Glass - GL 70
TAPPO /Cap  PLASTICA /Plastic - LDPE 4

Amaro Soldatini

Amaro Soldatini

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