Products - Flavoured grappas
Home Products - Flavoured grappas

Flavoured grappas

Grappa is a fantastic base for making infusions, which is why the Gualco Distillery uses a considerable amount of its grappa production as a raw material for extracting the aromatic elements of numerous plants and fruits, which are either grown in the distillery’s vegetable garden or purchased from renowned herbalist shops.
The extraction of these flavours from plants is carried out via cold maceration in glass demijohns or bottles. It is an age-old system, but it makes a difference in the final product. Recently in the company it has also been introduced the cold extracion tecnology Naviglio Extractor.
Flavoured grappas and grappa-based liqueurs are created from these infusions; the former are dry, whereas the latter are a little fuller and sweeter, but without ever being too sugary.
Many of our original recipes were created by the legendary Bartolomeo Gualco (the grappa master). Out of all his nieces and nephews, due to her palatal talents, he chose Susanna Gualco as his successor. In this line of work, she showed herself to have particularly high levels of competence and creativity.

Indicazioni ambientali - Environmentals Indications
RACCOLTA DIFFERENZIATA - Verifica le disposizioni nel comune in cui ti trovi.
WASTE SORTING - Check the provisions of the town where you are located.
BOTTIGLIA /Bottle  VETRO/Glass - GL 70
TAPPO /Cap  PLASTICA /Plastic - LDPE 4

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