Products and recipes - Grappa Timorasso Derthona
Home Communication : Products and recipes Grappa Timorasso Derthona

Grappa Timorasso Derthona

In the campaign of 2013 we produced a distillation bit of brandy Timorasso, an indigenous variety of Tortona hills cultivated mainly in the valleys Curone, Grue, Ossona, and Borbera that produce one of the wines from our area that is having more success in recent years .
Since this is a white grape variety characterized by interesting olfactory notes and soft on the palate, but low yields in terms of quantity, we decided that all production should remain in barrels for at least 6 months to eliminate almost every known angular keeping but the fruity distillate young.
For this aging course we used oak barrels from the Tortona hills still dampened by wine Timorasso.